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Paul Cameron wins defamation lawsuit against LGBT Association

Published: 06.07.2015

Toruń, Poland: The District Court ruled on July 1st that the LGBT Association together with a group of its members have to apologize to American psychologist Paul Cameron for defamations that caused unjustified injury to his good name and academic reputation. Attorney Jerzy Kwaśniewski of the Ordo Iuris Institute filed the lawsuit in September 2014 under its strategic litigation.

In the last few years, Dr. Cameron became a target of the Polish LGBT movement’s attacks. It denied the scientific character of his activity and accused him of falsifying his research. It made the allegations in Internet publications and issued an open letter addressed to all the presidents of Polish universities and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The campaign of defamation intended to make Paul Cameron's participation in academic activity in Poland impossible, which was partially accomplished when some of the Polish universities refused to accept Paul Cameron as a conference guest and panelist.

The District Court ordered the LGBT Association and its members to publish apologies on the Association's website and to send a letter of regret to the presidents of Polish universities, apologizing for the unjustified injury to Paul Cameron’s good name and academic reputation. Paul Cameron, who has a Ph.D. in psychology, is head of the Family Research Institute and author of many publications in the field of psychology and social science, a former advisor to U.S. and Canada governments, and reviewer for a number of journals including the British Medical Journal. Despite the campaigns against the scientist led by the LGBT movement and its allies, publications of Dr. Cameron are included in renowned magazines with the highest citation rates (impact factor) such as Adolescence, Journal of Biosocial Science (Cambridge University), and the Journal of American Medical Association. The studies of Paul Cameron that prove development problems and violence experienced by children raised in homosexual households are quoted in U.S. Court of Appeals decision from 2004 (Lofton v. Secretary of the Department Of Children & Family). Statistical research by Cameron showing higher rates of violence in homosexual relationships were cited in the report of the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics (“Sexual orientation and victimization”).

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